MSU CAS 177 2D Shooter Final Submission (Starfire Protocol)
This is my final submission for the 2D Shooter Project.
I changed the name of the project on the Menu Screen to "Starfire Protocol".
Modifications I made include:
- 3 Levels
- Each with a unique design/layout, and enemy counts
- A Boss on the final level
- I added a 1-up that gives you an extra life per level
- The first and second levels have a 1-up hidden behind destructible asteroids
- This involved writing a function within the health script that adds a live to the currentLives variable when the player collides with the power up
- I added a lives display on the UI that changes each level when a 1-up is collected
- The lives and lives counter are level based
- This involved writing a script that displayed the number of lives which was grabbed from the Health scripts
I also changed the music to be different on each level
Created By: Grant Bossio
With help from MSU CAS 117 Instructors and TAs
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